…is a group of fun loving, experienced riders who began as students. Each is steeped in the Pridmore knowledge of what it takes to be smooth and in control on a motorcycle and have an unusual ability to impart their knowledge to you. Together, they have hundreds of years of motorcycling experience. Some of them race or have raced in the past, but all of them, having been students, know where you’re coming from and how to make your experience better. We think you’ll also find there’s a chemistry here that makes learning easy and a whole lotta fun. Rarely do you see an employee stay at a job as long as sone of these guys have been helping Reg, and these guys aren’t even employees! They’re friends here to make sure you have a great time! It’s no wonder CLASS is the friendliest and safest place to learn the riding skills we all need.

Reg Pridmore- Santa Paula, CA
is the originator and headmaster of CLASS. Reg won the first 3 AMA Superbike Championships in 1976, 1977 and 1978 and a few years back, was inducted into the AMA Hall of Fame. He taught his first school in his race leathers in Denver in 1972. An affable English expatriate with a quick wit, he has an uncompromising desire to teach you what he’s learned over the years. Don’t let the collar and tie fool you: even after many years out of competition, he still loves to go in deep and come out hard. Challenge him, and his response will still be: “Wheel it out, mate”.

Gigi Pridmore – Santa Paula, CA – CLASS Instructor: 25 years
Gigi and Reg have been together since the mid 90’s and Reg taught her to ride from scratch, zip, zero. Though she still calls herself very much a student, she enjoys sharing the knowledge she has gleaned over the years with CLASS. When she’s not in the office or on the race track, chances are you’ll find her on her bicycle or dirt bike!

Stuart Beatson – Beaver Dam, VA – CLASS Instructor: 37 years
Stu is affectionately known as Reg’s “oldest” instructor having been with Reg since he first took on helpers in ’83. A racer back in the day, Stuart won the AMA Battle of Twins Championship on his BMW Boxer in 1983. But he still enjoys ripping around on big twins! These days, you’ll find Stu working as the service manager at Morton’s BMW motorcycle dealership in Fredericksburg, VA.

Phil Smith – Ojai, CA – CLASS Instructor: 35 years
Originally from England, Phil grew up around the old Triumph factory. Motorcycles are in his blood. One of Reg’s original instructors, Phil used to race in those days and even now, in his spare time he likes to ride motorbikes, very fast. His enthusiasm is contagious and he’s a great helper on the track and in the classroom. Phil’s one of the best.

Gary Crandall – Merced, CA – CLASS Instructor: 30 years
Gary is always smiling! Keeps us wondering what he’s thinking about. Gary is fast and smooth and has a great eye for helping riders get faster and smoother themselves. His day job involves wrenching on bikes but when it’s time for school, Gary is there, all smiles and ready to help.

Ted Holman – Grants Pass, OR – CLASS Instructor: 33 years
Ted could very well be the Missing Link. But he’s a gifted and talented rider and has the ability to teach as well, so Reg keeps him around. He first came to school back in the late 80’s and Reg tells stories of how he would crash, and get up smiling, and crash again. But, his riding came along very well and he’s since become a very good instructor. Yes, Ted gets more than his share of teasing, because he’s one of those characters that *asks for it*. Got any stickers?

John Francis – Novato, CA – CLASS Instructor: 13 years
John has been coming to CLASS for almost 30 and asking him to help out was one of the best additions ever. Early on he was a great addition to our west coast schools, but for many years now he flies east to help out with VIR. In his spare time John loves to ride in the dirt, chasing after his now adult son and daughter- all on dirt bikes!

Clark Attebury – Detroit, MI – CLASS Instructor: 17 years
Beginning as a student in 1998, Clark has been soaking in as much as we can give. Now he’s giving back to you as a CLASS instructor. He has a lot of skill and a fantastic ability to express what he’s learned to help others on their journey up the skill ladder. A soft spoken gent, you might not ever guess that by day he’s a TV producer.

Aaron White- Grand Rapids, MI – CLASS Instructor: 19 years
Aaron raced Hare Scrambles and MX for years and then decided he wanted to ride street bikes – really fast! He began coming to CLASS and as his skill grew and we got to know him, he was a natural fit for the CLASS program. Fast yes, but he’s also a very patient teacher and helpful to riders at every end of the spectrum.

Dave Joyce – Oxnard, CA – CLASS Instructor: 6 years
Dave was always the quiet one, keeping his eyes and ears open and his mouth shut, soaking in as much knowledge as possible about being a better rider. But after lots of learning and some moto-touring with Reg to Isle of Man and Norway, it became very clear that he’s definitely got the licks to help you be a better rider! He has also become an indispensable part of the CLASS family as an instructor and as the biggest part of the transit team getting bikes and gear out to the East Coast for our VIR schools.

Craig Hansen – Medford, OR – CLASS Instructor: 27 years
Craig, along with son Mason and wife Connie, owns and runs Hansen’s BMW Motorcycles in Medford Oregon. As you might imagine, Craig generally takes a lot of heat for having to deal with warranty issues… Another long time CLASS student who did a little club racing, Craig has a truly uncanny ability to help riders get the most out of themselves and move on up the ladder.

Marcus DeLuco – Pasadena, CA – CLASS Instructor: 8 years
Marcus started coming to CLASS in 2010 and it soon became apparent that his learning curve was steep and his ability to analyze and make corrections was strong. He was Force 5 and was attending every CLASS – it was time to get him on this side of the track. He and wife Leslie travel to all of our west coast dates and have become a huge and helpful part of the CLASS family. Get Marcus for some one on one and you will ride away, better, safer and faster.

Andy Kettle- County Cork, Ireland – CLASS Instructor: 22 years
Andy is our resident wilde Irishman and helps keep the humor flowing – like with his morning award ceremonies – you most likely don’t want to receive one of his awards…. His enthusiasm is contagious and Andy’s got the skill and the time to help you become a better rider.

Allan Eastbourn – Latrobe, PA – CLASS Instructor: 16 years
A student from 1998 to about 2004, Allan became a regular fixture with us in the paddock. As his skills ratcheted up, we could see he was one of those genuine good riders that would be a great match for the CLASS family. A jet jock (pilot) for a day job, he generally is only able to make it to Virginia these days. But if Allan is there, take time to ride and work with him. He brings a lot of skill, talent and knowledge to the CLASS table.

Gery Torok – New Jersey exit 46 – CLASS Instructor: 30 years
Gery is a hard core enthusiastic street rider and sport tourer who often times just packs a couple of things in a tank bag and heads off cross country. With a very good sense of what it is about his CLASS experience that has made him so much better, Gery enjoys sharing this knowledge with students.

Brett Nusz – Bakersfield, CA – CLASS Instructor: 11 years
All the way from Bakersfield, Brett has been coming to CLASS for many years. Racing his Honda Hawk took him aside for awhile but now he’s back and now does an awesome job of passing on what his experience and Pridmore education has taught him. He’s a fairly regular feature at most of our west coast dates and this soft spoken, kind guy is blazing fast on his R1. And he can help you get better too!

Matt Ayhan – Los Angeles, CA – CLASS Instructor: 3 years
Matt came to CLASS in 2015 for the first time after having done several non-inspiring track days. When he first rode with us he said “this is where I want to ride”. And ride he did for the next 3 years, learning and growing as a rider, before becoming tapped by Reg to help out. A natural on track or in the classroom, he’s been a great addition to the CLASS Team.

Brett Frank – Simi Valley, CA – CLASS Instructor: 3 years
A voracious student sponging up as much learning as possible these past few years, the time has come and Brett is excited to give back. A fantastic part of the program, he has lots of insight into what has made him smooth and fast and is ready to share it with you. Be sure and cut some laps with Brett and get his advice on how to make yourself a better rider too!

Michael Hughes – Tucson, AZ – CLASS Instructor: 3 years
Another one of our long time students, Mike (aka: Slippery Pete) always kept the level of enthusiasm super high in our Streets of Willow classroom!. After years of working school after school to make himself a really good rider, Mike is excited to now be able to give back to those climbing the skill ladder. He’s a lot of fun and his enthusiasm is contagious so be sure and grab some time riding and learning with “Slippery”.
What Our Students Say
I wanted to take the opportunity to express to the sponsors of the Class motorcycle school the great experience I had recently with Reg and his team at Laguna Seca. It was my first track experience after 30+ years of riding and I had the time of my life. Reg is a great teacher, and his staff is warm, helpful, knowledgeable, and personable. I am already planning my next session. Please continue your generous support of this effort, it is priceless.
John Mc.
Reg & Gigi, Simply a quick note to express my appreciation to you both for continuing to organize and hold these programs. Sharing a love of motorcycling and imparting decades of wisdom to fellow riders is quite magnanimous of you both, and your entire team are stellar professionals and down right good people to spend time with. I have no aspirations of track performance, but executing new skills in a controlled environment with the freedom from hazards is a very liberating feeling. My son (young, athletic and fearless) gained much confidence in what he can do, when he should do it, and how to do it safely. While he rode much faster than I did, he still determined a safety threshold he would not otherwise know without the potential for tragic results. So as a father, I am most appreciative to you and the entire CLASS staff for enabling that.
Cal J.
Reg & Gigi, I recently attended Class School at Laguna Seca and I wanted to thank you for the AMAZING, WONDERFUL experience! I’m a new rider but head over heals in love with motorcycles. The information and insight along with the hands-on instruction went above and beyond! Not only did I learn technique and have the opportunity to test my skills without threat of cars, pot-holes and speeding tickets, I gained a greater appreciation for the sport and my fellow riders. The instructors were Fantastic! Phil’s “body analysis” was extremely helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and providing a safe and inspirational environment. I look forward to seeing you again!
Keith U.
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