CLASS Standard Schools are all day, from about 7:30am to 5pm. Our standard events are divided into just 2 groups and you get plenty of both track time and classroom instruction.
Rider Requirements: The schools are open to riders 18 years and older* who have a motorcycle license and a fair amount of street riding experience. At the very least, the operation of your motorcycle’s controls should be second nature to you and you should be completely comfortable with its operation. At minimum, you should be comfortable with freeway speeds (65mph).
Clothing: We require all riders to wear a motorcycle riding suit. The best suits are one-piece, quality race leathers, although we do allow one or two-piece suits (we don’t require they zip together), leather or textile: Aerostich, Joe Rocket Ballistic, BMW Suits etc. are usually ok; but Joe Rocket “Phoenix” or similar ultra lightweight or mesh suits are not acceptable. Reinforced jeans are not acceptable, and we will not allow you to ride in jeans over armor. Your suit should have some armor in the hips, knees, elbows and shoulders and we won’t let anybody ride in chaps.

- You need to have an undamaged full face helmet, the best are 5 years or newer, DOT approved or better.
- Leather boots that cover your ankles (no high top sneakers)
- Gauntlet-style leather gloves that cover your wrists
Motorcycle Requirements: At CLASS, you generally ride your own motorcycle. All makes are welcome but we require a minimum engine displacement of 250cc. Stock motorcycles are preferable, while supersport bikes are welcome too. (We do not allow scooters, 3 wheelers, sidecars, electric motorcycles or heavily modified cruisers. If you have any doubts, please contact us before enrolling.)
Motorcycle Prep: All we ask you to do to prep the motorcycle is:
• Cover (with tape) or remove your mirrors (we don’t want you looking back)
• Disconnect or tape over your brake light (we don’t want brake lights flashing, which can be distracting)
• Fresh, virtually new tires with very little sign of wear (we are sticklers about this), on a positively leak-free bike with good brakes.
For more on getting your bike, pit and body prepped for your CLASS Day, check out our CLASS Day Checklist and Back to School – Are You Ready. See you at the track!
* 16 years olds are considered but must be pre-qualified and have parent present.

What Our Students Say
...I wanted to thank you for your awesome training! As motor officers we do a lot of slow speed training and clutch throttle work in various cone patterns. While performing our duties, however, we are constantly accelerating, braking, and handling our motorcycles at a high rate of speed. Your training fills the gap that’s been missing for a long time! It’s nice to gain more experience and comfort while learning to push our bikes and ourselves to higher limits!
Andrew Bernath
Chino P.D.
... I feel the skills and principles you taught are not only pertinent to the race track but are critical in the safe operation of a motorcycle no matter where you are riding. This class should be mandatory for every Motor Officer as it offers true officer survival skills for the streets. Thank you for the unforgettable day and the incredible gift this training truly is.
Deputy Bryan Robins
Orange County Sheriff's Department
I was a motor officer in your CLASS and I'm still riding high today! That was the best money ever spent. To see your passion Reg, and skills, and Gigi's ability, just totally re-invigorated me in a sport I've loved for years. [...] I can't say enough about how pleased and happy me and my group of officers are. [...] I've had as many if not more pursuits than any of my partners and wish I had these skills before now. Thank you for a wonderful day.
Richard Smith
01 October, 2018
320 e santa maria street suite m santa paula, ca 93060
Office Hours:
10 am to 4 pm Pacific