Streets of Willow
(661) 256-2471
3500 75th St W.
Rosamond, CA 93560
Use the main Willow Springs entrance. They will ask you to sign a track release before entry.
Camping: In Paddock Dry Camping the night before the event is usually available, please check with us. RV Hookups are also available on the property (away from the paddock area), please call Willow Springs for reservations if you want an RV hookup.
Fuel: High octane is available at the track (credit card pumps located adjacent to the ‘on premises’ road between track entrance and Streets of Willow). Pump gas is also available in Rosamond. But please plan to arrive with a full tank.
Food: Available. For our standard schools, freshly made box lunches available to order, usually $10. Some schools (like D-Day and MOAT), lunch is catered. CLASS provides water and Fluid® throughout the day.
Hotel Suggestion: Oxford Suites in Lancaster, CA (661) 949-3423. Ask for Willow Springs Event rate for best price. Many hotel options are available in Lancaster (web search it), about 20 minutes from track.